Here is a random assortment of links that I find useful


  • Music For Programming
    • Great for when you want to block out the outside world and get some work done. Here’s a playlist of the music for if you want to stream it using a music player of your choice
  • SomaFM
    • Commercial-free, listener-supported internet radio stations with an interesting selection of music


  • The Linux Kernel Archives
    • The world’s largest open source project
  • Debian
    • The Universal Operating System. My favorite Linux distro, and what I run on all my devices and virtual machines
  • Debian Packages
    • All the packages in the official Debian repositories. Useful for searching for the package that a specific program is in
  • Bash String Manipulation
    • Don’t use sed or awk when you can use bash to manipulate strings. This will speed up your loops by avoiding subprocesses
  • Pro Git
    • A fantastic resource for learning the version control system to be using